PINK INNOV’ et AWIP – 24 Octobre 2018

En s’associant à AWIP Events in Paris Pink Innov’ ouvrait les portes de la Silicon Valley, Boston et Seattle

Annually, we will host a US French international business panel with a distinguished C-level executive from the United States.

  • First year, 2018: Our C-level executive is Ron Hirson, Chief Product Officer of DocuSign. DocuSign is a $8bn+ company that has a strong presence in Europe, and particularly France. As the CPO of DocuSign, Ron is excited to share (on 10/24 in DocuSign’s office) his learnings as a US business executive doing business in France and broader Europe, and how doing business in France greatly aided with DocuSign’s IPO this year.
  • 2019+: every year, AWIP will send an executive of a major company to co-host an event with Pink Innov in France. (See our community of execs here.) The themes will include cross-border business and innovation.
  • Events in San Francisco: Pink Innov organizes sometimes a visit to the ORANGE innovation lab in San Francisco. During this trip, AWIP will  host the group at one of our corporate partners in San Francisco, Seattle, or Boston – which is where AWIP has chapters. A host includes any one of the many partners we currently work with: Google, Facebook, Dell EMC VMware, AWS, etc.

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