On 29th of April at 6pm Paris Time – 9am Pacific Time – 12 Eastern Time
Our guest Nicki Kons is based in Israël and she has shared a webinar on Risk Management.At the first time we propose you to listen the audio and to download her presentation and to register for the next webinar focus on Recovery.Thinking about recovery: hosted discussion about different recovery strategies and options. What kind of innovation options should you be looking for and what should your risk management look like?
To download the presentation and listen the replay on our youtube channel, click here
To register : https://zoom.us/meeting/register/v5Moce2grz4pb3FNvG9btYd6Tel1ktv29w

Nicki is an innovative risk expert, consultant and researcher. Her work focuses on improving decision and risk identification by making the most out of processes, data and cognitive skills. She is the author of: PVaR ™: Project Value at Risk- a new way to connect risks to business outcomes and writes and speaks about global risks and issues. She was a core team member for the new PMI risk management standard (May 2019). Experienced with the High-Tec, Energy and Water, IT, defence and consulting industries, Nicki believes in incorporating quantitative and qualitative analysis to achieve the best possible outcomes in decision-making. She is known for her inspirational risk concepts and processes which incorporate aspects from finance, business and engineering.