San Francisco – Advancing Women in Product

Pink Innov’ was honored to support Advancing Women in Product (AWIP) and joining them Wednesday 10/30 at their 2nd Annual Executive Summit: Shattering the Glass Ceiling in downtown San Francisco.

From over 500+ applicants, the AWIP selected 145 high-potential women to attend our Summit, whose tracks were designed to help women and other underrepresented groups navigate the path to leadership. With <10% of C-suite roles occupied by women, there is much we have to do to change this reality for the next generation. And AWIP will do it with our support.

Today we are going to share and learn about how diversity brings tremendous value into companies and into companies, not only qualitative but also quantify one and how we could navigate cultural change in male dominated arenas.

There are 2 articles that helps us understand this value:
The first one, 2018 Mckinsey study follows 1000 companies in 12 countries, and they were able to probe that the companies with a diverse executive team increase 33% of their marge
In 2009 Adam Bryant developing design thinking approaches gave us a definition of a transdisciplarity team as a team that works in a good capacity, openness and empathy they have “T” shaped profiles. The vertical is the expertise and the horizontal is the soft skills needs to make connection with different backgrounds and diversity. In my view and experience T profiles are part of the solution to develop diversity and inclusion.

Diversity & inclusion (D&I) are front and center in most company conversations. Moreover, workplace diversity leads to higher job acceptance rates as people want to join organizations they can relate to, and companies with diverse teams have shown to generate 19% higher revenue.

Educate current and aspiring leaders with methods, practices that have helped make a change for D & I in your organization.

Key data shared:
– Today, women hold 24 of the CEO positions in Fortune 500, and while more women are joining boards, we women still hold only 21% of board seats at major companies.

– According to’s latest report on women in the workplace, for the last four years, companies have reported that they are highly committed to gender diversity. But that commitment has not translated into meaningful progress. According to this report, gender diversity issue has its roots in hiring and promotions to management.

Women continue to be vastly underrepresented at every level. For women of color, it’s even worse. Only about one in five senior leaders is a woman, and one in twenty-five is a woman of color.
– Further expanding on our previous discussions, we have some data from women in the workplace AWIP study 2019, the survey says 40% of women think they are judged by different standards while 32% feel they don’t receive as much sponsorship or lack champions at work.

Participants to cover the discussion:
– Sherry Lowe Chief Marketing at Expanse
– Shannon Gordon CEO at Theboardlist
– Narayan Bharadwaj Executive at VMWare cloud
– Lou Martinez Sancho (moderator) Vice President Strategy & Innovation at Kairos power and Pink Innov’ member

Take aways from this round table:
1. Engagement and evangelization
2. Make the link and probe the value creation by diversity
3. Adaptation to each context to success
4. Build a portfolio initiative for inclusion

For some of us diversity is about quotas, for others it is about a differentiator, for others justice and balance, for others corporate responsibility….but we all agree that diversity will bring talents to our organizations and will improve company brandings.
Improve innovation and customer experiences with less cognitive biaise.

Better collaboration and employees engagements.

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