San Francisco – Powering The Energy Transition – November 12th ChooseParisRegion and Hello Tomorrow at San Francisco

Renewable energies have become an important part of the energy mix. However, population growth and rising energy demand could outpace energy decarbonisation without steady R&D investments and a redesign of multiple business models. This TechMeeting covered topics such as grid parity, energy storage, micro-grids, mobility, blockchain, energy efficiency, advanced nuclear and more.

Panel participants Total, Renault-Nissan-Mitsubitshi, Kairos power, EDF (Enviromental Defense Fund) Pas EDF français, Topics related to resilience and DER, new wires and new major investments in electricity, EDF spends a lot of time on the utility business model and try to get them to plan and optimize around decarbonization

Lou Martinez Sancho, Kairos Power and Pink Innov’ ambassador, shared her point of view during this event :

  • To achieve the 2DS scenario we need to move from 430 gr CO2 per kwh today to 50 gr CO2 per kwh by 2050, accordingly with OECD rapport on the cost of decarbonisation. Therefore to cut off carbon emissions we need low carbon energy production and energy efficiency approaches. To decarbonize we need electrification in 3 main areas: transport, industry and housing.
  • • The integration of VRE changes the long term structure of the thermal generation mix reducing the average load factor and increasing the need of ramping and load following. We need to understand the overall system impact not only the energy production . In a decarbonize energy systems we need to take into account 3 levels the plant level production, the grid level and the social costs of it.
  • • Advanced nuclear thanks to a simpler design, compact and smaller, with a fleet approach should be part of the solution to decarbonize or system
  • • Create long-term frameworks and policies that provide stability and confidence for investors are key to develop and implement all decarbonize generation technologies

Start-ups had also pitch on the event

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